Results that inspire more

In 2024, thanks to the Vacations for All project, Royal Holiday Foundation made the dreams of 2,344 people come true. They successfully fulfilled their mission of offering a life-changing experience to all beneficiaries, improving their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and strengthening their bonds.
In 2024, these beneficiaries were successfully added to their causes:
- 698 girls and boys from marginalized urban areas
- 531 people from marginalized urban areas
- 335 persons with disabilities and relatives
- 238 exemplary students with economic vulnerability
- 236 children, adolescents and families victims of violence
- 240 people from marginalized tourist areas
- 66 people with cancer

Since 2015, 15,595 people have benefited from holiday experiences. To all our allies, partners, guests, collaborators, and volunteers, thank you for your generosity and commitment.
