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This past weekend, in collaboration with the John Langdon Down Foundation (JLDF), we took a group of students to Tepoztlán’s Camohmila camp in Morelos, Mexico. 

The camp provided moments of joy, bonding, and fun through various recreational and social activities for the JLDF students. 

The students participated in outdoor sports games and creative painting sessions, where they used their artistic expression to the fullest. They also took the time to enjoy relaxing moments in the pool through different water activities. 

During the disco night, they were enthusiastic and energetic, and to close their camp with a bang, they sang around the campfire.

The partnership between the Royal Holiday Foundation and the John Langdon Down Foundation has proven the transformative power of inclusion and mutual support, reaffirming the commitment of both organizations to promote the wellbeing and integration of people with disabilities.

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