Women cancer survivors
Royal Holiday Foundation recognizes the courage of women cancer survivors and gives them the opportunity to live unforgettable holidays in Park Royal Acapulco for 4 days. These women are patients of the Fundación de Cáncer de Mama, FUCAM where they have received their cancer treatments. With these holiday experiences they are filled with energy and hope, which helps them in their emotional and physical wellbeing to cope with their condition and treatments.
“It’s my first time knowing the sea. It’s the first time I’ve had one of these trips in my 70s.”
Rebeca Martínez Bernal, FUCAM
Mi agradecimiento a Fundación Royal Holiday por el cuidado y cariño con el que nos atendieron a las sobrevivientes de cáncer de mama pacientes de FUCAM, fueron unos días inolvidables que guardo en mi corazón.